Friday, May 9, 2014

Answers to Homework for May 9 (Chapter 1) and HW for May 23

Exercise A (p. 7) - this is an example of a possible answer.
Marketing strategies & activities: Product and Pricing
  1. Product/Service/Idea
        Determine target market (people who will buy)
        Meet target market needs
   2. Pricing
        Too expensive—people won’t buy
        Too cheap—no profit (won’t make enough money)
Exercise B (p. 8)
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I expect to learn more about market research.
2. I expect to learn more about focus groups.                    3. I expect to learn more about how companies market products.
Exercise E (p. 9)
1. Neuromarketing is different because it studies the unconscious reactions to
products and advertising.
2. Researchers can determine what type of reaction a person is having while
looking at an advertisement or product by knowing what part of the brain is affected.
3. In the blind taste test, the results were equal. When the brand names were given, 75% preferred Coke over Pepsi.
4. They worry because neuromarketing could be used to unconsciously influence people.
HW for May 23
First, do p. 9 E. Answer the 4 questions in sentences. If you need more space, write your answers in your notebook. 
Second, watch this 30-second TV advertisement for Calbee Jagabee and answer the questions below. Make sure to write your answers in your notebook.
Part 1:
1. Describe the CM - the scene, the characters, what happens.
2. Who is the target audience?
3. How do you know that?
4. What is the message of the CM?
5. What is your opinion of this ad?
Part 2:  Introduce one of your favorite TV CMs to us during the next class. Send Ms. MacGregor the link to the CM by 17:00 on Thursday May 22, and she will put the link on this HP. Then, we can watch it together in class, and you can present it. Answer questions 1-5 for this CM too. Start your presentation by saying, "This is a commercial for xxx (product name), made by yyy (company)."  Please prepare this carefully and practice your presentation before the class.
Remember, we will have a make-up class on July 18 (second hour). Please put that in your appointment book and be sure to come.

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